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I grew up in Southern Louisiana where I attended the University of Southwestern Louisiana (currently University of Louisiana at Lafayette) for two years as an Art Major. A 9-to-5 career in an office was completely forgotten when I got that first summer job working the back deck of a seismic survey boat on the Gulf of Mexico. Over the years I have had several different jobs within the oilfield including roughneck, boat captain, navigator, and roustabout. In 2005 I began working as a Marine Construction Surveyor, which I continued doing until I became a victim of the low oil prices and was laid off in December of 2016. I now work as a CNC machine operator and manufacture jet engine components used for commercial airliners and military aircraft.

At present, I live in Middletown, NY with my wife Kathy, to whom I have been married for 9 happy years, the best years of my life. I am an avid fisherman who spends hours on the lakes and reservoirs scattered throughout the Hudson Valley searching for that one walleye or bass that will be my lifetime trophy. Kathy and I are also big NASCAR fans, football fans, and hikers. My two daughters complete my life and I can die tomorrow a happy man. I have more in my life than I thought possible. God has blessed me with a great family; I wish everyone could be so lucky.

Thank you for your interest in learning a little something about me! Here’s some video’s that will show you a little more. Hope you enjoy!